En el cambio, la evolución. Evolution is in change/in change, there is evolution.
Sounds better in Spanish, right? Makes more sense in Spanish, too, right? So it's been six months since I posted (!) Time to get started again. I sent ONE THIRD, the book, to several literary agents and nobody's taken a bite. Should I keep trying?
In the meantime, I'll continue to post chapters of it here. I also will add "snippets," accounts of strange/funny things that happen in my daily life that are truthfully more suitable to the blog format. I may even develop my latest kids' book idea, Bad Begbie and the Furry Bunch, on these very pages. Sound good?
Re my pseudo epigraph, a friend once said that to me and I found it simple but wise. Then, weeks later, I was half listening to my every-faithful iPod and Chambao, the Spanish flamenco fusion group my pal in Sevilla, Carmen, introduced me to ever so long ago. And, bam, there was the line. Huh, I thought, I assumed Nery had come up with the pithy saying himself. He appropriated it well and said it with conviction.
En el cambio, la evolución.