Processing Charles Mann & Jared Diamond I’m particularly interested in the Americas before they were the Americas, that is, before the Europeans arrived and took over and pretty much ruined everything, either enslaved, murdered, raped (or all three) most of the people living in the Americas at the time. There’s a book I read a bit ago, 1491 , about this very momentous period. In it, the author, Charles Mann, a science journalist, claims that past accountings of the number of people living in the Americas before the Europeans laid anchor has been off by millions. In fact, the American cities of Tenotchilcán and others were home to more people in their day than the European gems of Paris and London. In the year 1491, the world population was roughly 500 million of whom at least 100 million lived in the New World. This is a lot more people than we were told about when we were in grade school. A whole lot more. The book goes on to explore who they were, what happened to them, and why ...